Improving the motivational tool system for civil servants in the state administration agencies of Vietnam

  1. Opening summary
  • Thesis title: Improving the motivational tool system for civil servants in the state administrative agencies of Vietnam
  • Mayor: Public management
  • Major code: 62 34 82 03
  • Name of PhD Student: Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan
  • Name of Supervisor: 1. Prof. Dr Nguyen Dang Thanh. 2. Dr Ha Quang Ngoc Educational institution: National Academy of Public Administration
  1. The Content of summary information

Firstly, the thesis has codified basic theories on motivation, motivational for employees, the basic theories of motivation and motivation then it has also contributed theoretical subsequent to clarify many differences in the dynamics and factors that motivate public servants than workers in non-state sector.

Secondly, from the rational kernel of general systems theory, the thesis has developed a theoretical framework that improves the system motivational tool for public administrations and civil servants under the system approach, especially, the thesis emphasizes the relationship of motivational tools throughout the system. It is necessary to apply the system theory, recognize the motivational tool for civil servants as a system and use them systematically, by this case the motivation of civil servants working in administrative departments will be improved, will address the shortage of sticking with the public sector, is the cause of the state of labor efficiency, work efficiency is low, corruption, bureaucracy and the negative expression and is the main reason causing the weak civil service, not to meet the requirements and demands “rapid development and sustainability” of the country during the integration period.

Thirdly, no overlap in individual studies motivational tools traditionally, the thesis has employed to create systems theoretical framework to analyze the status system motivational tool for civil servants in the state administration. Then it gives some recommendation to solved problems both in theory and practice.

Fourth, The thesis has also proposed recommendations to specific overall and complete system motivational tool for public administrations and civil servants. These recommendations are given under the system approach as follow:

  • Common recommendations: (i) Raising awareness of systematic approach in the human resource management; (ii) Improving the legal system (regulate documents) related to public service and civil servants; ()iii Improving conditions, work environment, building the civil service transparency, effectiveness, based on meritocratic principles
  • Specific recommendations: (i) Improving both physical tools and mental encourage tools; (ii) Determining the role of motivational tool central is job performance evaluation; (iii) Strengthening mutual relationship of motivational tools in the whole system.

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