Measures to Promote the Reform of Administrative Procedures in the Operation of the Public Universities in Vietnam


Major: Public Administration
Code : 62 34 82 01
Research student :Dau The Tung

Scientific advisor: Professor, doctor of science, educators People. Nguyen Van Tham Me research was finished at. NationalAcademy of Public Administration.

New contributions on academic, theory from the researching results of the topic “Measures to Promote the Reform of Administrative Procedures in the Operation of the Public Universities in Vietnam” include:

  1. To consolidate and supplement theory on administrative procedures, particularly the theory on administrative procedures in the operation of the university; to clarify, supplement theory on the position, role, features, meaning, way of classification, rules of establishment and issuance of administrative procedures; To compare, analyze and clarify the contents mentioned above, especially since Decree no. 63/2010/ND-CP on administrative procedure control issued; To generalize the features of administrative procedures in the operation of the university, necessity of adjustment of such administrative procedures in public administration on education and training, simultaneously offer the judgment on the reform of administrative procedures in the operation of the universities; To propose some general and specific measures on organization to enable the implementation of administrative procedures in the operation of the public universities. In that process, the emphasis is laid on the awareness, human factor, institutions and application of information technology for implementation of administrative procedures in the university system.
  2. The dissertation summarised, compared, evaluated and offered the first judgement on the implementation of administrative procedures in the current public universities, pointed out advantages and disadvantages, reasons of the reform of administrative procedures in the universities without achievement as expected; made the first survey on the reform of administrative procedures in the universities, it was an important basis for the author to propose measures on the reform of administrative procedures in the current universities. The dissertation also introduced some effective models applied information technology in the implementation of administrative procedures in the universities; introduced some university enrollment models from countries with developed education then proposed university enrollment model in Vietnam with new procedures;
  3. Proposing Ministry of Education and Training to eliminate administrative procedures which is unnecessary and unsuitable to some current enrollment and training stages, particularly in student’s activity; in examination and fostering staff and staff member; proposing to Heads of National University of Civil Engineering some important tools for management such as a set of regulations specifying function, mission of agencies belonged to the university (with clear code on function and mission — institution); a set of settlement order for administrative procedures to solve the works of the university. The dissertation also suggested training, fostering staff, staff member related to administrative procedure settlement in the university, a field has been left so far.

Summary of the Thesis: Click here

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