The results-based management in public policy implementation in Vietnam


  • Specialty: Public Administration; Code: 62 34 82 01
  • Full name of research student: Le Van Hoa
  • Full name of scientific instructor:
  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Van Hanh
  2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Hai
  • Training unit: National Academy of Public Administration.

The contributions in terms of academic and argument, scientific and factual of the thesis: “The results-based management in public policy implementation in Vietnam” are summarized as follows:

  • Basing on argument and factual studies and approaching scientifically, the thesis has strengthened and added in the academic term the concepts and contents, such as the concept, characteristics and process of results-based management; the concept of public policy implementation, the concept of management of public policy implementation, the concept of results-based management of public policy implementation, the component elements of results-based management of public policy implementation, the benefits of results-based management of public policy implementation and the principles of results-based management of public policy implementation.
  • Dissertation analyzed and evaluating the practice of public policy implementation management in Vietnam in aspects: actors who implement public policies, actors that manage the implementation of public policies, to bring out evaluations of achievements and backward of current public policy implementation management, and causes of them. Thence, dissertation proves the necessity and feasibility of application of results-based management of public policy implementation in Vietnam. At the same time, based on comparison with the requirements of the results-based management of public policy implementation, the dissertation determined the management contents need to be amended, supplemented and conditions for application of results-based management of public policy implementation in Vietnam in the future.
  • Based on the model of results-based management of public policy implementation, management situation of public policy implementation in Vietnam, experience of results-based management of a number of countries around the world, the dissertation proposed a legal framework for results-based management of public policy implementation in Vietnam, including four key components: results-based public policy implementation planning; monitor performance and risk management; evaluate results and reporting; review the results of implementation and make adjustments. At the same time, the thesis also proposes resolutions to apply the results-based management of public policy implementation in Vietnam are: improve the legal framework for results-based management of public policy implementation; set up an agency evaluating the results of policy implementation; develop a practical guidelines for results-based management of public policy implementation; build a line-up of staff to analyse and evaluate public policy; develop the culture of results-based management in state administrative agencies; fully grasp the principles of results-based management of public policy implementation.

Summary of the Thesis: Click here

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