The Korea Institute of Public Administration

Introduction The Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) is a government-sponsored research institute in South Korea, established in October 1991. They do research not just on current issues ...

The Korean Association for Public Administration

Organizational Profile The Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA), established in 1956, is the largest and most prominent professional association in the field of public administration i...

New Zealand Scholarship

The ASEAN New Zealand Scholarship’s applications will open on 16 February for those who wish to apply for an ASEAN New Zealand scholarship for the academic year starting in early 2018. Applications w...
mung xuan 1

Celebration of Lunar New Year at NAPA

On February 6th, 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) celebrated Traditional New Year. It is an annual event organized on the first days after the traditional Tet holiday. Presented...

The Civil Service College

The Civil Service College (CSC), established in October 2001, is a statutory board under the Public Service Division. Its mission is to develop people for a first-class public service. As the public ...

Food in Vietnam: 40 delicious dishes you’ll love

Vietnamese cuisine doesn’t win any points for complexity. Many of the most popular dishes can be made just as well on the side of the road as in a top-end restaurant. But it’s precisely t...